Warnings: Contents may cause severe irritation to shallow minds. So readers below 18 please leave and go finish your homework, you are welcome to come back when you get to be 20 and smart. Acquaintances, pretend you don’t know me. Hopelessly drop-dead boring adults with drop-dead boring perceptions can gedehell.

sneaky peek on me

from a small town in, a peaceful state in, Malaysia
-enough said-

Aug 26, 2008


The 12-Legged Spider
Official Appointment: Admin. Personnel
severely mutated into a 12-legged spider by constant inconsiderate demands of the collegues. life span is being prolonged by the disability to comprehend chinese and irresponsive to unreasonable behaviors.
The Insensitive Parrot:
Official Appointment: Account Clerk
talks at unbelievable high pitch especially when expressing herself. proclaims she's being underpaid for the jobs she's doing (i'd say that's ahelluvacraps). doesn't read annoyed gestures well. not even turning your head the other way would stop her talking. when she's quiet she's either busy wondering what's the husband doing at home or she's so engaged observing you like you have a tumor on your forehead or something. blessed with the immunity to psychological harassment.
The Big-assed Elephant:
Official Appointment: The Boss' Sister-in-law
she has big ears coz she really listens even when she's not supposed to, she has a big mouth coz she always talks even when it's cool to be quiet over something. she has big voice coz she speaks louder than the boss' wife. she has a big desk coz she keeps lots of rubbish. she has a big head coz she's a natural big-headed old bag, and probably the brain is swelling coz she concerns so much over minor and irrelevant things (i hope it'll just explode 1 day). she has big rear coz she's too lazy to even make a 5-step approach to the fax machine. one nice thing bout her though, she has a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig and nice smile...to mask her fiend-liness.


Anonymous said...

Shall I named these personels? LOL

I can tell which is which :P

Smartfool said...

try ur luck but not in here. i'd like to keep 'em anonymous. u will see y in my next entry.

xaries said...

u just love ur boss'sister in law don't u hehhehe

Smartfool said...


Anonymous said...

hahahhaaha you know I know ba... apa yang next??? teda ketan pun yang next?

Smartfool said...

sa pun tia tau napa sa ckp next mengong
