Warnings: Contents may cause severe irritation to shallow minds. So readers below 18 please leave and go finish your homework, you are welcome to come back when you get to be 20 and smart. Acquaintances, pretend you don’t know me. Hopelessly drop-dead boring adults with drop-dead boring perceptions can gedehell.

sneaky peek on me

from a small town in, a peaceful state in, Malaysia
-enough said-

Jan 22, 2011

Shoot Me. Kneel? I Think Not.

When you're all tattered and battered, you just stand still and do nothing. Don't get dispondent at this. Keeping still in a battle isn't necessarily a sign of defeat. It is in fact a fighter's way of standing his last defense, refusing to fall and surrender. Endlessly chanting in his heart that his back up team would just come in time to save his ass. If they don't, well, it'd certainly worth the momentary threat he causes to the opponents. They say, if you can't be strong, act like it. Who knows what might happen at the tick of the final second. Begging for your dear life, naw that's disgraceful.

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